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Setiap orang berhak untuk BAHAGIA!!
Kamis, 18 Desember 2014

Part 3 - 4 Months to Go

Ga terasaaaaaaa... udah tinggal 4 bulan lg and we will get married... it's amazing Lord...
We almost handle all things by ourselves...

In October we made an event to introduce the families... so happy... and also.. we have never expect that the families from yogya, attended our moment in time...
At the end of october, we try to find uniform.. it's not easy.. sometimes we talk loudly, but thank God... every single of our family has their own...

Mulai deh jahit menjahit di bulan november... ukur mengukur dimulai...

Dan semua sudah selesai skrg... praise the Lord...

Dan mulai mendekati waktunya.. semakin banyak godaan melanda... mantan2 mulai berdatangan... yang lbh "baik" seakan-akan masuk dalam hidup...

Tapi lagi2 inget komitmen... apa pun yg terjadi.. apa pun opini orang.. kami mau maju dengan iman..

Semakin banyak godaan, maka semakin banyak lutut ini terpakai untuk bertelut...

Terima kasih for everything Lord... I can't handle all of these things without U..
Please stay beside us.. walk with us... laugh with us... cry with us..
And make us able to pass it through...

Part 3 - 4 Months to Go

Ga terasaaaaaaa... udah tinggal 4 bulan lg and we will get married... it's amazing Lord...
We almost handle all things by ourselves...

In October we made an event to introduce the families... so happy... and also.. we have never expect that the families from yogya, attended our moment in time...
At the end of october, we try to find uniform.. it's not easy.. sometimes we talk loudly, but thank God... every single of our family has their own...

Mulai deh jahit menjahit di bulan november... ukur mengukur dimulai...

Dan semua sudah selesai skrg... praise the Lord...

Dan mulai mendekati waktunya.. semakin banyak godaan melanda... mantan2 mulai berdatangan... yang lbh "baik" seakan-akan masuk dalam hidup...

Tapi lagi2 inget komitmen... apa pun yg terjadi.. apa pun opini orang.. kami mau maju dengan iman..

Semakin banyak godaan, maka semakin banyak lutut ini terpakai untuk bertelut...

Terima kasih for everything Lord... I can't handle all of these things without U..
Please stay beside us.. walk with us... laugh with us... cry with us..
And make us able to pass it through...